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Bring it on!!, I wonder now how I ever coped with the UK weather. Suppose that's why I moved.


funny though I Didnt mind the -10 back in the winter of 2010. Love snow too. Just hated the general grey cloudy skies for most of the year and getting no proper summer.


So nice, even in winter to wake up to blue skies here.


I'm so going to enjoy the next few months:jiggy:


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yuck, way too hot! Much more civilised in Geelong, mind you it's 33 today and probably -3 tomorrow


C'mon Harpo, show us your hairy chest, get your bathers on and give us a twirl:wink:


Then get yourself down to the beach (is there a beach at Geelong??), sure there must be. Lets see you do a Mr Bond moment, coming out of the sea.


Us ladies of PIO, will gladly show our appreciation :tongue:

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C'mon Harpo, show us your hairy chest, get your bathers on and give us a twirl:wink:


Then get yourself down to the beach (is there a beach at Geelong??), sure there must be. Lets see you do a Mr Bond moment, coming out of the sea.


Us ladies of PIO, will gladly show our appreciation :tongue:


I have been known to tread the boards at the ocean pool at the Geelong waterfront, complete with full body wetsuit (the water is still nippy in November), not a sight for the faint hearted or those with sensitive stomachs.


I'm afraid my Daniel Craig days are over (actually they never started!).

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Must admit, I don't enjoy the plus 35C days. Adelaide has a very dry heat at least but its baking outside for a chunk of the day. And if its like today, that hot dry wind, its stifling. Its like walking round with a hairdryer on full heat blasting into your face. Something I don't like at all. It didn't fall below 21C last night.


I can cope up to 32C fine now, between 32-35 I start to struggle and over 35C its stay indoors during the hottest part of the day.


Of course, we could hit a run of 40C plus for a period of time and then we'll know it. Last time we had that it didn't drop below 35C even at night and it was horrible being in a place wthout proper aircon. We had a couple of fans and one air con unit in the living room. Never again. Bought a house with working air con (not refridgerated though) so its at least manageable. Have yet to put it on today and its hitting 34C here with a hot wind blowing across.

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It has cooled down in Brisbane. Were running temps over 30C last week with nightly thunderstorms out over to the west of us giving a lightning show. Also plenty of rain the last few evenings so everything has greened up nicely. We are high-placed with a westerly outlook at the back. Only 22C, cloudy and breezy today which has given us a great opportunity to do some work in the garden. Sunshine to return tomorrow. :cool:

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It has cooled down in Brisbane. Were running temps over 30C last week with nightly thunderstorms out over to the west of us giving a lightning show. Also plenty of rain the last few evenings so everything has greened up nicely. We are high-placed with a westerly outlook at the back. Only 22C, cloudy and breezy today which has given us a great opportunity to do some work in the garden. Sunshine to return tomorrow. :cool:


Watch out a Saffa in Stratford says that the Raining overnight is a myth and we don't get a summer here it rains all day, so enjoy hibernating for the next 3 months :wink: . I may brave it and hit the coast this weekend because i'm crazy like that

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Well we certainly knew it was winter here ................ plenty of frosty mornings ..................... howling gales and even a bit of snow. Days when I wore a woolie hat, scarf, gloves and a warm coat. Different to Sydney that's for sure. Nice now though - got a tan already just walking around.

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It has cooled down in Brisbane. Were running temps over 30C last week with nightly thunderstorms out over to the west of us giving a lightning show. Also plenty of rain the last few evenings so everything has greened up nicely. We are high-placed with a westerly outlook at the back. Only 22C, cloudy and breezy today which has given us a great opportunity to do some work in the garden. Sunshine to return tomorrow. :cool:


It's alright when you live on the bayside but I work out west, 60mm over the weekend and last week we had 32mm Tuesday night 5mm Wed, and 25mm on Thursday and showers on Friday day! stuffing my job site up no end, mud and slop wherever we look or try to work, and your pleased you've got a bit of green in your garden:frown: well good for you! I hope your roses wilt in the sun tomorrow:wink:

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and getting no proper summer.


The British heatwave summer of 1976 was a nice proper summer.


"For 15 consecutive days from 23 June 1976 to 7 July 1976, temperatures reached 32.2 °C (90°F) somewhere in England each day. Furthermore, five days saw temperatures exceed 35°C (95°F)".


I remember it with much fondness.

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Well we certainly knew it was winter here ................ plenty of frosty mornings ..................... howling gales and even a bit of snow. Days when I wore a woolie hat, scarf, gloves and a warm coat. Different to Sydney that's for sure.


Not that much different.

I wore head-to-toe thermals every day throughout the 2015 Sydney winter.

And got snowed in an hour south of Sydney.


My gawd the cold weather has dragged and dragged this year. Desperate for summer to hit with a vengeance.

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It's alright when you live on the bayside but I work out west, 60mm over the weekend and last week we had 32mm Tuesday night 5mm Wed, and 25mm on Thursday and showers on Friday day! stuffing my job site up no end, mud and slop wherever we look or try to work, and your pleased you've got a bit of green in your garden:frown: well good for you! I hope your roses wilt in the sun tomorrow:wink:


Shame. Mind you I copped some of it yesterday playing golf out near Ipswich so know what you mean. Bit of a thunderstorm and then someone switched on the power shower for 20 minutes.

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Bring it on!!, I wonder now how I ever coped with the UK weather. Suppose that's why I moved.


funny though I Didnt mind the -10 back in the winter of 2010. Love snow too. Just hated the general grey cloudy skies for most of the year and getting no proper summer.


So nice, even in winter to wake up to blue skies here.


I'm so going to enjoy the next few months:jiggy:


I guess I'll have to re pack my suitcase. Hotter than I was expecting in Nov. Don't like it over 33. Gives me migraines if I don't drink gallons of water.

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I find hot weather quite restricting actually.I accept it,no point in whinging about any sort of weather because we can't control it,but around 25c is good for me in either country tbh.I'm not a sun worshipper,but I do like the comfort of being able to walk around,do some work in the garden or lottie,without having to restrict myself to sitting in shade all day.Still mild in the UK atm where I am.

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Bring it on!!, I wonder now how I ever coped with the UK weather. Suppose that's why I moved.


funny though I Didnt mind the -10 back in the winter of 2010. Love snow too. Just hated the general grey cloudy skies for most of the year and getting no proper summer.


So nice, even in winter to wake up to blue skies here.


I'm so going to enjoy the next few months:jiggy:



I'm with you Fi - bring it on :cool:

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I'll cope with it like I have done every summer so far


Moaning or complaining don't change it


I love living in Australia and will cope with the extreme weather we get here


Having a pool and some new air con will help for sure


Same as the central heating worked in the UK for the cold winters which I remember well

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Guest The Pom Queen

Must admit, and I never thought I would say this, but I'm totally fed up with blue skies after blue skies. In the 12 months we have been down in Townsville I can count on one hand the number of days we have had proper rain. Now I know why the rest of us FNQ locals called it Brownsville.

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